Time between the holidays

Good Monday afternoon to one and all.  As good as a Monday can be, anyway!

I hope that you had the chance to spend Thanksgiving and the day or two afterward with people you care about, as I did.  Managed not to do much shopping but did pick up something on Saturday morning that I had "pre-purchased at Black Friday prices," whatever the heck that meant.  All I know is that I saved some money on it, and went in to pick it up before the crowds descended on this poor defenseless retailer.

Did you know that last Saturday was designated as "Small Business Saturday?"  On that day small businesses ask that you not forget to patronize them.  We did, and normally do.  I like dealing with locally owned operations, as you pretty much know the money you spend will largely stay in your home community.  One of my primary outfitters these days is Colonel Littleton, Ltd., in the small town of Lynnville, Tennessee.  I don't live there, but buying from the Colonel always makes me feel good for many of the same reasons.

Other than that and a couple of other things, I didn't shop much in the past week for anything but groceries.  Fine by me!  I just returned from a frustrating chat with a retailer that makes a big thing of their "price match" policy, but they are somewhat inconsistent in applying it.  Asked on person on the phone about it, and she said that they don't price match their own Black Friday pricing, then when I visited the store today I was shown the policy, and in teeny tiny print it indicates that they do not match ANYONE'S Black Friday prices.  Oh, well.

My wife and I watched a movie with our son and his family Thanksgiving night.  According to the grandkids, we were treated to a screening of "The Wizard of the Voz," which was indeed quite a movie.  They came to our house to spend the afternoon the next day and we watched it again, but now it was called "The Wizard of the Oz."  No matter, we enjoyed it both times.

Speaking of movies, the next couple we want to see will be out shortly..."The Hobbit--The Battle of the Five Armies" and "Exodus--Gods and Kings" will both be released in a couple of weeks and my wife and I are looking forward to both.  I'm sure there are others that will be released that may turn out to be worthwhile, but none are as compelling to me as those are.

We're making progress with our Christmas shopping and other processes.  Just about have the Christmas cards ready to stuff and send.  And we have to have our shopping done for the Colorado branch of the family done early so that we can pack and ship it.  Can't get everything from Amazon, after all!

We're having typically unpredictable weather here in central Kentucky.  A cold rain is falling and the temperature is in the high 30's.  And I have to travel by car over the next couple of days.  Oh, joy!

That's it.  Get back to work!


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