
Happy Thanksgiving week, friends.  Hope your plans this week include some quality time with folks you love.

Sometimes I want to comment on a lot of things but they're kind of disjointed, and today is one of those days.  So here are some one (or more)-sentence random thoughts about, well, random subjects:

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, we hardly knew ye.  Tough to jump onto a train that's already moving, I suppose.

The music from the movie "Interstellar" is easy to overlook when considering the film as a whole, but it's extremely important to the movie.  Same can be said of many other movies, too.

Movies in a series present some difficulties, as the middle ones often are designed to keep the plot moving and by design don't conclude much.  This is true of the latest installment of the "Hunger Games" series, which is called "Mockingjay Part 1."  Good movie, but it starts and ends in the middle of a larger plot.

On that same line of thought, "The Empire Strikes Back" was the best of the original three "Star Wars" movies.  By far.

It's late November, we've had multiple hard freezes.  Why am I sneezing?

Nice to see that some things never change, as the Boston Red Sox once again make a concerted effort to buy another championship.  They used to hate the New York Yankees for doing the same thing.

On the other hand, the Cincinnati Reds didn't do all that well last year, and they're still making out their shopping list.

Kentucky's basketball team has won by some huge margins in the past week, yet everyone wants to know what's wrong with them.  Only in Kentucky.

Conversely, Kentucky's football team has one more chance to turn a rebuilding year into a bowl season, but they'll have to bring their "A" game against the hated Louisville Cardinals next Saturday.

I read the highlights article about the American Music Awards show that aired last night.  My God, I'm old.  And out of touch with popular music.

Last week I heard someone on one of the satellite channels I frequent express the opinion that the differences between my generation's musical tastes and those of the current "younger" generation were narrower than ever before.  Um, I don't think I agree.

Yesterday my wife and I were able to see our granddaughter perform in a play.  In suburban Denver, Colorado.  As it happened.  From our living room in Kentucky.  Via the Internet.  What times we live in!

Brain purge concluded.  Have a great holiday week!


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