
Hope you dads out there had a nice Father's Day yesterday, and that if you are still lucky enough to have your dad around that you got to spend a little time with him!

Had a great week and weekend since our last visit....played a round of golf with some friends Saturday morning, and apparently further aggravated something in my right knee that's been a little bothersome of late.  Or I'm just getting old, at this point.  One or the other.  But I suppose there's value to having a built-in excuse for poor play.

Watched some baseball, the norm this time of year, and spent some time watching the U.S. Open golf championship, held this year in Pinehurst, North Carolina.  The Number 2 course has hosted the Open in the past, but this was the first since it was returned to its original design, with fewer trees, less rough and more "native areas" of high, wispy grass and sandy ground.  From all appearances, only the winner, German Martin Kaymer, figured out how to get around the course with a good score all four days.  None of the top level pros seemed to perform well, so I suppose the course layout and contours just didn't agree with many of them.  No matter, it was interesting, if not dramatic (Kaymer was way ahead after two rounds, so it was more a matter of whether he would hold on to the lead through the weekend).

And the U.S. Women's Open will be played on the same course this week, which I find pretty neat.  Some of the LPGA players were there for the weekend to watch the men play, and get a feel for how to play some of the holes on the course.  Not sure how much it will help, since the course will be changed a bit (different places for teeing off and for the holes to be placed on the greens), but still fascinating to see this convergence.

Don't look now, but the Cincinnati Reds took two of three games from the division-leading Milwaukee Brewers over the weekend, and have now won four of their last five games.  Plus they saw the return of workhorse starting pitcher Mat Latos on Saturday, who's been working to overcome a number of injuries since last season.  He appeared to be in top form Saturday night, working six scoreless innings.  Optimism is hard when it comes to this Reds team, as they just don't seem to be into things.  Talking with a golf partner about them on Saturday, I offered the opinion that the Reds look like they're waiting for something.  Not sure if that's accurate, but it's almost like they are.

If you follow national politics even a little, you probably found it interesting that House Majority Leader and Congressman Eric Cantor lost his primary election last week to a little known professor.  Cantor apparently outspent his opponent considerably and his internal polling showed him to have a substantial lead.  Proof that anything can happen in elections.  I'd guess this may wake up more than a few incumbents and lead them to pay attention to their races, rather than take for granted that they'll have an easy time winning reelection.

Noticed Mitt Romney appeared on one or more of the Sunday morning shows yesterday.  I didn't see any of them but read this morning that he's absolutely, positively not running for President again.  But he's hosting some sort of Republican summit in Utah, so what does that tell us?

So far I'm enjoying my new job.  In keeping with my ongoing habit of not specifying much about work, I'll just say that I'm meeting new folks, receiving considerable training and preparatory information and am finding that the client whom I and my teammates will be serving is a willing partner.  All good, so far, plus I'm not traveling extensively, so that's another BIG plus!

Have yourself a good week.  Hope it's not too hot where you'll be, as it will be here in central Kentucky.  Summer's here!


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