
Happy almost-Independence Day to all.

Tomorrow has added significance for me, because it's my wedding anniversary!  27 years ago tomorrow, my lovely wife agreed to BE my lovely wife, and my life has been immeasurably better since then!  She does not read this blog, but she'll hear this from me in other ways tomorrow (and the next day and the next....).

Have I mentioned our next-door neighbor?  He's a retired Kentucky state trooper, a great guy and very exacting about how things should be around his homeplace.  So he's a good fit for us, as we're kind of particular about the appearance of our home, too.  We have this running gag about our trash cans....every Tuesday night we put our trash cans out for collection the following morning, and then it becomes sort of a contest to see who will get to them first to bring them back up to our respective houses.  I happened to "win" this morning and that prompted a phone call from our good neighbor, mainly to josh me about beating him to the punch.  I don't manage to get there first all that often, but today I did, and we had a good laugh about this.  He's also a good neighbor when I travel for business, as he always seems to know when I'm gone, so I feel some assurance that he's keeping an eye on our place while I'm away.

I went with a friend last night to see the local minor league team, the Lexington Legends (now, there's a presumptuous name) play a doubleheader caused by rain the previous evening.  The young pitcher for the Legends in the first game pitched a seven-inning no-hitter!  His teammates mobbed him when the game was over, as you'd expect, and there was much celebrating when the young men (these are beginners in professional baseball, all of them 18 to 22 years old) were making their way to the clubhouse for a break between games.  One can imagine the winning pitcher talking to the teammate who was scheduled to pitch game 2, and him saying, "I got mine, so get yours."

Homer Bailey of the Cincinnati Reds did just that last night, pitching his second no-hitter in nine months in Cincinnati last night, blanking the San Francisco Giants 3-0.  Bailey apparently narrowly missed a perfect game by walking one batter.  Funny how these things work out!

I can't decide which is funnier, the initial Republican reaction to Democratic Texas state Senator Wendy Davis and her filibuster on the Senate floor last week to block some unpopular abortion legislation, or the "truthers" who are so desperate to smear this woman that they've dredged up college photos of her and implied something untoward in the evolution of her appearance over 25 years.  I mean, really, do YOU look as you did 25 years ago?  I didn't think so.

The job hunt continues, although I have lost a significant amount of momentum this week due to tomorrow's holiday.  Much less activity than the past two weeks, but I've continued to make progress on a couple of fronts.  I have some things scheduled next week and am optimistic that one or more of these will bear fruit.

So when you're celebrating the 4th tomorrow, think of how our country got to where it is, and what keeps it there!


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