Last in a series

Good morning, all.  Today's treatise is so named because I have completed what will be my last business-related trip for some time.

Turns out that my frequent travels, necessitated by a number of business circumstances, were a little excessive from a cost standpoint, so I've been asked to curtail my travels.  Also, I was due for a breather week, and the following week is a holiday week, plus we start a vacation later in that week.

So I won't stop being a road warrior, I'll just have company, as my wife and I are traveling by car to Colorado in late May.  We'll spend about a week with our daughter and her family there (a couple of family-related events coming up there) and then we're bringing our granddaughter back with us.  Should be a fun road trip, and we'll get the chance to do some sightseeing and such while we're there!

I imagine that President Obama and many of his key advisors with they were out seeing the sights instead of the headlines that have been common of late.  In my recollection this seems to happen to second-term administrations, but to have so much reported so closely together is a little unusual.  Here's hoping everything is sorted out to the relative satisfaction of all.

If you don't follow baseball, you don't know that my Cincinnati Reds are rolling right now, on a six-game winning streak.  Good pitching will do that, as long as the offense produces enough runs to win, and it is right now.  Keep it up, boys!

Contemplating committing a garage sale tomorrow, or, as a friend of mine often says, opening "Smitty's Bargain Barn" for a time.  I have a golf game scheduled around noon, but there's a neighborhood-wide garage sale tomorrow, and I often like to join in to take advantage of so many potential buyers in the area.  So the Barn may be open for a few hours in the morning.  Will report back on our success, as I'm always supremely confident that these things will go well!

Remember my mention of my Colonel Littleton Saddlebag Briefcase a while back?  I've been happily using it for almost five months now, and on my most recent trip, received three compliments from MEN for the first time.  One was a guy who I literally bumped into in the restroom at the towel dispenser.  He walked over to me in the gate area and asked me a number of questions, which I gladly answered.  Another was the pilot of one of the planes I was aboard, and the other was a total stranger in a gate area.  Strangely, I have yet to see anyone else carrying a bag they obtained from the Colonel!

Summer movies are coming out in pretty good succession now.  Saw "Iron Man 3," liked it, and will see "Star Trek Into Darkness" this weekend, most likely.  Still very eager to see "Man of Steel."

Enough for now.  Don't break anything this weekend.


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