Merciful ending

The calendar says that it's springtime starting today.  I don't know if I concur, based on my furnace running this morning......

If you follow sports to any degree, you now know that not only did the Kentucky men's basketball team fail to be selected for the NCAA tournament (also known widely as March Madness, and I suppose that's trademarked as well), but that they also lost in their opening round game to a little school in the Pittsburgh suburbs called Robert Morris University.

What you may not know is that a great number of Kentucky fans are actually relieved to have this season come to an end, as it's been a struggle.  Here's why:

Kentucky just went through this type of mediocrity four years ago, before the arrival of coach John Calipari and his coaching staff.

Kentucky won the NCAA championship last year, and many of its less realistic fans expected that to be the first of many consecutive championships.

From last year's championship team, Kentucky lost its top six scorers and probably the six players who played the most minutes as well.  So they pretty much started over.

Calipari appears to have tried everything to motivate and get through to his team, but if anything worked, it didn't work for very long.

So Kentucky basketball fans have a couple of things with which to console themselves--there are a number of very high quality recruits already committed to joining the team next year, and two more who are apparently still weighing their decisions.  And the Kentucky women's team is very good and is a number two seed in the women's NCAA tournament.

I'm sure sports talk radio throughout the state of Kentucky was active last night, if a tad impolite.

But life goes on.  And baseball season starts in less than two weeks.  And after the way my Reds closed out their season last fall, with three straight losses, I'm eager for the season to begin.  In my view spring really begins on Opening Day.


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