Change is the only constant

Good morning, one and all...I hope that January is unfolding in a positive direction for you.

Lots of changes happening these days.  I can't talk about work in this space, prohibited from doing so by my company's policies, but suffice it to say that I now work for different people (three of them) than I have for the past several years.  Should be interesting going forward.

I can't recall if I'd mentioned this here, but my wife retired from full-time work about eighteen months ago, then spent a little more than a year as a part-time employee at a daycare center.  She stepped away from that job in October, so she and I are still adjusting to her not going off to work each day and leaving me here at the ranch working (if I'm not traveling).  We're doing fine with is, but it's change, so it requires a little adaptation.

With time around the house, my wife is on a tear cleaning out drawers and cabinets.   Nothing catastrophic, but I can tell you that our trash and recycling cans were pretty full this week.  I found several inches of unnecessary papers in my desk, so I got into the spirit with this, too.

And even though we had our Christmas tree and decorations up for just over a month, the house really feels bare now.  Empty.  Blah.  But way more spacious, so there's that.

If I think these changes are a lot to handle, imagine how President Obama feels about now.  He's going to have a largely new cabinet (once he gets everyone confirmed, of course), a new chief of staff, and, of course, some new members of Congress with whom he can work.  Thing is, most of who's in Congress is the same, so there's that aspect to all of this change.

I have a Twitter account and I don't post there much, but rather use it to follow people I find interesting, mostly news and political commentators.  Through one of them I found a feed called "Modern Seinfeld," in which the authors (two men, I think) offer tweets describing the plot line of a Seinfeld episode if the show were still being produced today.  I've always thought of this blog as "the Seinfeld blog" because it's really about nothing, at least nothing in particular.  And I remain a great fan of the original "Seinfeld" sitcom, so this is a great marriage of several concepts.  Check it out, I think you'll like it.

By the way, if you DO have a Twitter account and are looking for others to follow, I highly recommend comedian/actor/musician Steve Martin and filmmaker/actor/comic Albert Brooks among others.

I was lucky enough not to travel this week, but it appears that I'll be on the road for at least some of the next several weeks.  And, as I mentioned, I'll be posting a review of a new item, once I've gotten to use it in real-time conditions.  I know, you're on pins and needles!


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