
Nothing in particular today....

A very good friend wrote to tell me that "the rat guy" has now visited her home FOUR times to remove dead rats from her premises.  Honestly, can you imagine how you'd feel if you learned that rats were dying in your basement/attic/crawlspace?  Hmmmm.....

OK, now that I've repulsed you, that's my last gross-out reference....for this post, anyway.

After a pretty nasty respiratory infection AND the afore-mentioned kidney stone (see my last post if you dare), finally feeling good enough to function normally.  Realized this morning that it had been almost a month(!) since I mounted my treadmill for a workout.  Shame, shame!

I was very, VERY happy that the New York Jets took care of business and defeated the odious New England Patriots last weekend.  Not a big fan of Bill Belichick, or, for that matter, anyone who so clearly feels he is completely superior to, well, everyone else.  Our gang is already talking about Super Bowl menus....we make a huge deal of the game every year, regardless of who's playing.  It's loads of fun and spurs a lot of creativity, too.

And I am delighted that my Cincinnati Reds have signed both Joey Votto and Jay Bruce to longterm contracts.  Great moves to ensure that two foundation pieces of this still-developing team will be in place for the next several years.

This morning I saw it reported on a television news show that most of the major airlines are raising their fares, and are virtually simultaneously reporting record profits for 2010.  Since I'm a frequent flier of several years, I see this a little differently than those who might travel by air once or twice a year.  This is really inexcusable, as the airlines keep finding ways to gouge their passengers.....because they know if you stop flying, there are others who want your seat.

Not sure how you feel, but those of us in the northern part of the southeastern US are pretty damned tired of winter....already.  We've already had more measurable snowfall events in Kentucky than any recent winter on record, and it's only mid-January.  Yikes!


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