I've been wondering.....
....about a number of different, unrelated things. Here's a sampling: I've been wondering why we're all asked to help the homeless and the needy during the holidays. Don't those people need help all year? I've been wondering why University of Kentucky sports fans are so frequently among the most loyal yet the most fickle known to the sporting world? A new football coach takes a team with a talented offense, yet a largely inexperienced defense, makes changes in several key coaching positions, and still comes out with a record equal to last year's, and he's considered a failure by many? Or a basketball coach, in only his second year leading the program, and finding it necessary to replace just about all of the all-universe talent he recruited before last season, is now being roundly criticized for having lost ONE game...in November? C'mon, people, please. Give these guys a chance. I've been wondering how the Republican party leaders and pr...