The view from the road

I've been on the road quite a bit lately, and about to embark on two more trips, but more on that later.  Suffice it to say that I still believe that whatever doesn't kill us indeed makes us stronger, so I'm rapidly gaining strength in that model.  I had a very interesting day of travel two Mondays ago, starting with a call around 4:00 AM from Delta Airlines' computer.  I was being informed that my flight, scheduled to leave at 7:15, would now leave at 8:52.  Nice to know, but the auto-message didn't detail my newly changed itinerary.  The repeat call at 5:45 told me that, so I decided to give up and get up after all.  That flight was diverted from to Knoxville en route to Atlanta (from my home base in Lexington, KY) due to a mechanical issue, and I waited there until late in the afternoon to get to Atlanta and connect to my final destination.  Despite these inconveniences, the Delta staffers with whom I dealt all were uniformly pleasant, friendly, and as helpful as circumstances allowed. 

While on that trip I had the chance to play golf with an old friend whom I don't see much.  We used to work together and we now work for competing companies in the same industry.  He's a great guy and played pretty well, despite the obvious handicap of rented clubs.

This week was a car trip to Nashville for some sales calls and quality time with two of my sales reps.  Next Tuesday more of the same on a day trip to Charlotte.

But the best thing is that tomorrow my wife and I will be flying to Denver to spend the weekend with our daughter and her family!  Our grandson celebrates birthday number one on Saturday, and we plan to be there to mark the occasion, as well as to trick-or-treat with both of our Colorado grandkids!

Should be fun, if all goes well and we don't have any flight issues.  But who knows?  Sometimes, that's what makes traveling a REAL adventure!


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