
I'm not quite to "geezer" status, but I'll be hitting a pretty big milestone in about a month when I turn 50.  And some events of the last week have me thinking about that and what it means....

I spent most of last week traveling to and from and attending some organizational meetings in Florida for my employer.  Not exciting stuff, but a chance to see a few people I like and enjoy, coupled with the dreaded all-day meeting scenario.  I can honestly say I didn't learn a great deal from these meetings that I did not already know, but I think a few people learned some things about me.

I continued to make the point with almost everyone who asked (and many who didn't) that, at the conclusion of the trip I would be starting a ten day vacation and that my wife and I would be joined for nearly all of that time by our daughter and her family, visiting from Colorado!  The enthusiasm for this visit was etched on my face, I suppose, because nearly everyone could not help but comment positively, and many congratulated me for my ingenious scheduling and such.  I had nothing to do with the planning, I told them, it was all based on the best deal that our daughter's family could find for airfares and some events within her husband's family that had already been scheduled!

So I traveled back from the Louisville airport with a carload of folks and a whole bunch of luggage in the back.  And it's been fun since then, but I still think my favorite set of moments were when my granddaughter spotted me in the airport terminal and ran, full speed, into my arms for a long and satisfying hug.  And seeing my grandson for the first time since Christmas....a big, dimply smile, laughing and

So, as I told someone whom I don't know well but with whom I spoke on Friday, I'll be playing the role of Poppy until July 5.  Manning the grill, entertaining the troops.....all in a day's work!  Child's play, actually!


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