Your personal April fool here

OK, I couldn't resist the subject line, given that today is, well, you know.....

But today's supposed to be the day that the long, breathlessly awaited Apple iPad becomes available for regular people to see, touch, play with, gawk at, etc.  My lovely wife and I will be visiting Cincinnati tomorrow for a mini-getaway prior to visiting family for the Easter weekend, and one of the stops I have planned for us is a visit to the Apple Store to hopefully see this creation.  I've just read a few of the reviews and they're a little mixed about the product.  But I truly enjoy seeing reader comments about how Apple fans are 'sheep' and will buy anything that this company cranks out.  Not true, I would respond, as I have had a cellphone for many years but do NOT own an iPhone.  Anyway, looking forward to seeing this device, whether this weekend or shortly thereafter.

College basketball's Final Four is this weekend and I'm really not that interested, what with Kentucky having been eliminated last weekend via their poor shooting from the field and the line.  And Kentucky fans are now hearing the inevitable that no fewer than six of this year's players are planning to test the NBA draft.   While I don't think that all of them are ready to play at the "next level," I wish them well in trying.  Good luck to all.

More importantly, next Monday is the "official" opening day of the major league baseball season.  I would argue that "official" fits because ESPN many years ago worked it out to have a pre-opener on the Sunday evening before the "real" opening day.  I'm a Reds fan, and there's really nothing more special in the sports world than Opening Day (note that I capitalized it) in Cincinnati.  School's out, there's a big parade, lots of pageantry, and, oh, by the way, there's a baseball game.  This used to be a lot bigger deal because the Reds were unofficial assured by major league baseball that, as the oldest professional baseball franchise, they would have the honor of being the first team to take the field.  Then somewhere about ten years ago another team slipped in ahead of them, and then all hell broke loose and it seemed three or four games were starting before the Reds' opener.  No matter, as I have always viewed this day with appropriate reverence.  For many years I have taken this day off work, and this year is no exception.  And I've passed this heritage along to my son, who will also be taking a day away from his labors to enjoy baseball, on the one day when everyone is in first place!

I have some exciting business travel coming up....well, maybe not THAT exciting.  I will be joining a sales rep on my team for an association function in Hot Springs, Arkansas next Tuesday through Thursday, then a couple of weeks hence will be visiting Pawleys Island, South Carolina for another similar event with another rep.  No time for golf either place, but hopefully the weather will cooperate.....


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