The temporary bachelor

As I write this, my wife is in Colorado for the weekend with our daughter and her kids, so I'm temporarily a solo act....and it feels a little strange.

To be sure, I travel extensively for my work, and that's almost always alone, at least at night and while the travel itself occurs.  So I'm used to the alone time, but not at home.  That's what feels so odd.

Quick itinerary...I took my wife to the Cincinnati airport early Friday morning for her outbound flight.  We kissed goodbye at around 7:30 or so and I went down the road to a coffee shop with Wi-Fi so that I could work while waiting to make sure her flight departed as planned (also to escape the excessive parking garage fees, as I paid $3.00 to be in the garage about forty minutes.  Clearly, many of us are in the wrong business!).  So I've been on my own since that time.

Friday night my son and I spent and enjoyable if frustrating evening to, at and from Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati to see our beloved Reds get crushed at the hands of the red-hot San Diego Padres.  Despite the lopsided score, it's always a good time at the ballpark, and Friday evening was no exception.  The fun was punctuated by our receipt of the annual Reds team calendar, complete with grocery coupons in the back that must be redeemed in the Cincinnati area.  So we made a stop at a grocery in northern Kentucky and had some scavenger-hunt-style fun locating the free items.

Yesterday I attended Kentucky's Blue-White spring football game, which drew a crowd of about 9,000 despite threatening weather.  In fact, the game was halted with about three minutes to go because of the impending severe weather, which arrived like clockwork about the time I arrived at my car.  From there, didn't do much else, ate some leftovers for dinner and watched some television before retiring.

Here's one of the odd things about being momentarily a solo act....I love to cook, but not for just me.  No way, man. So I just went to the bakery and returned with two bagels and some coffee.  Remember, I work at home when I'm not traveling, so it's not at all a different scenario than a weekday, and I would never go and get breakfast.  But I did today.

My wife returns tomorrow afternoon.  I talked with her each of the last two evenings and she's having a great visit, which is what we both wanted.  But I'll be SO glad to see her!


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