The year isn't all that's new....

Well, here we are, 2010, and I suppose now we'll have to get used to saying "twenty-ten" to signify this year. I heard three television personalities correct themselves when first referring to the new year at "two thousand ten." But here's what else is new:

Airline security lines will be longer and screening will be more thorough, or so we're being told.

The United States is closing embassies in other countries for the umpteenth time.

Health care reform will be a reality, albeit in a form probably not originally intended.

It's cold, even in places where it ordinarily isn't.

Most everyone you know is on a new diet or eating plan or exercise plan or all of the above.

NBA players are apparently being advised not to bring guns onto the court, as many appear to have them most everywhere else.

Tiger Woods is no longer a sought-after product endorser.

The Pittsburgh Steelers will not repeat as Super Bowl champs.

The New York Yankees begin the year as defending World Series champs. Oh, wait, that's not all that new.

Oh, and one more thing that's company saw fit to move me to a territory more geographically appropriate to our Kentucky home, so I'll still be traveling but just not as far. And with the item at the top of the list, that's a most welcome change.

Happy new year!


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