A quick postscript to my last post

Happy new year, friends!  Enjoyed some wonderful time off with family and now back at work.....just as a major winter storm struck the middle of the country, including central Kentucky!

But never fear, I'm planning to be back out there among them tomorrow, weather permitting!

But I digress.  I wanted to provide two updates to my screed about customer service that I posted not too long ago.  

Let me write of our experiences with the United States Postal Service, as mentioned on 12/23/24.  On that date I detailed that my wife had taken a parcel to our local post office to ship to our daughter's family in another time zone.  The box was shipped via a somewhat new service called Ground Advantage.  Simply put, there was no advantage.  My wife visited the post office twice, was told both times how understaffed they were this holiday season and that everything was going to take time to get to its destination.

Christmas came and went, no evidence that the parcel had moved beyond the walls of our local post office.  Then on January 2, suddenly there was evidence of movement.  The parcel had reached the destination state, then the destination city, and finally our daughter's home address!  Hooray!

We never saw any evidence of an intermediate location for this package between Lexington and the state to which is was delivered.  So next year our daughter and her gang are all getting e-gift cards!

Now let me me address the other irksome issue from my most recent prior post.  In that post I did not mention the name of the merchant who took our order, couldn't quite decide whether they were cancelling it or not, and finally sent a cancellation notice.  Just before that, I contacted our bank, on whose credit card the charges were made and asked them to dispute the charges.  I'm still waiting for the paperwork they say is necessary to perform this process.  But, no, that's not all.

The merchant not only did not refund my purchase but they CHARGED ME AGAIN for the merchandise originally ordered.  So I called the bank and have now disputed THAT charge as well!  In addition, the bank recommended they cancel the card and issue a new one, so that no further charges could be made by this merchant.

Incidentally, that merchant is.........

The J. Peterman Company.  

Not the guy on Seinfeld, but the REAL J. Peterman, also known as John Peterman.  He started up his business here in Lexington, Kentucky and did well until he overreached, opened stores not unlike Apple, and filed for bankruptcy.  Peterman later had to buy the rights to his name back to resume operations, this time as an online only business.

John is still at it, listed as Chairman and Founder on LinkedIn.

If you're reading this, John, your customer service really needs work.



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