It's coming

I don't know about you, but it's always so difficult when one takes even a couple of days off work and then comes back to a full week.  Last week felt like it lasted about eleven days.

Did you happen to travel over the holiday weekend?  I was very glad that I didn't, with weather and flight delays and all of that!

Along with that, work wasn't all that much fun. I work in a portion of the healthcare industry that's affected by seasonal changes, sometimes more than others.  Last week was one of those "others" that created an "all hands on deck" scenario all week last week.  We're still in that state, and it really isn't much fun.

Enough complaining.  We'll have plenty to complain about in a little more than a month.

I have to say that I wonder about some of the people the President-Elect has chosen for certain cabinet and staff roles.  It's the Senate's job to do the worrying, of course, but I worry about THEM as well!

I'm looking forward to watching some more of the traditional Christmas shows and specials that have aired over my lifetime, or thereabouts.  My wife persuaded me to buy Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but I think we have a copy of Frosty the Snowman around here somewhere.  A Charlie Brown Christmas, which is one of my personal favorites, will be available next weekend via Apple TV+.  I looked and found nowhere to buy it.  And I definitely want to see the Patrick Stewart version of A Christmas Carol, as it's the best dramatic version.  The Muppets Christmas Carol is always an annual must-see!

So how's your shopping coming along?  We're always pressed for time because we have to ship to family in another state in time for the holiday, so we got started early.  Their box went out today, and we begin to cross our fingers that it gets there.  Remember, Louis deJoy still runs the postal service! 

As a Cincinnati Reds fan I would be completely remiss if I did not give a shoutout to #39 with the Reds from 1984 through 1987, Dave Parker who was FINALLY named to the Baseball Hall of Fame over the weekend!  One of my favorite players of that era and a Cincinnati native, Dave Parker was still a great hitter and run producer and still had that cannon of an arm.  The Reds traded him to the Oakland Athletics after the 1987 season and two players the Reds obtained in return were key members of the 1990 wire-to-wire World Champions in Cincinnati, while Parker played in two World Series with the A's.  Way to go, Cobra!

Don't look now, but Kentucky basketball seems to be doing just fine under new head coach and former Kentucky player Mark Pope.  Pope assembled a talented roster from many other programs in time for the season and thus far the team has played really well.  Hope they can keep that up!

That's all I have today, have to put the nose back to the grindstone, you know!


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