
Showing posts from November, 2024

Early thanks

Good Sunday to all of you looking in today. Have had an interesting and enjoyable weekend thus far.  Not long ago my son and I looked at our grandson’s hockey team schedule and saw that his team was due to play two games in Cincinnati (a family favorite destination) yesterday.  So we agreed that the best move would be to get rooms for last night here in the area, as the second game did not end until around 10:30 PM.  Back to that soon. Correspondingly, my wife was caught up in the media blitz surrounding the opening of the new movie version of Wicked, about the witches from the Wizard of Oz.  She knew that our two Lexington granddaughters would want to see it at soon as possible, so we bought the tickets for a showing in the Lexington area for yesterday at 12:30.  They loved the movie but were a little disappointed to know that this new release is only part one with a second film forthcoming.  Typical Hollywood to stretch it into two tentpole flicks! I digr...

So it goes

I think it’s been long enough since the election results were finalized that the shock has subsided and the immediate future is a bit clearer.  Regular visitors to this space noticed, I’m sure, that I last posted about something totally unrelated to the state of our country, and that was intentional. So here we are.  The President-Elect is still fighting to prevent being sentenced for his 34 convictions in New York State court.  He is thoroughly dominating the news cycle every day, as he did the last time he was elected to the Presidency.  He is doing so mostly by toying with the mass media and those on the left who would oppose him, naming one unqualified person after another to head government agencies.  He is all over the place, appearing at conferences, UFC matches, space launches and more. Honestly, I don’t think we’ll forget about him between now and January 20, when he officially becomes President.  Again. The Democrats have lost the Senate AND the H...

Some new stuff

Happy weekend, everyone.  I don’t know about you, but this couple of days off could not have come at a better time! Took advantage of clear conditions earlier this afternoon and mowed our yard for hopefully the last time of the season.  Let the mower run so that I emptied the fuel tank and it took way longer than I would have guessed! Anyway, have picked up a couple of new things that may be of interest to you, since I often mention new items here. First up is some new tech.  I watched the Apple keynote two or three weeks ago with interest, as I always do, and a couple of things got my attention.  First of these was the Apple Watch Series 10, because my wife’s Series 6 was beginning to show its age.  We went to the local Apple Store, mistakenly, on the date of the release of iPhone 16, so really were only able to look at the watches, store was just too crowded. We returned the following day and got my wife what she wanted, and I began to think about how light an...


Good morning, all.  Promise that this will NOT be a rehash of all that has been said, written and posted since the Presidential election results were confirmed early yesterday. And I won’t get into attempting to analyze what our country is facing next.  The President-Elect has already served one term, so there’s not much mystery there. But what I will say is that this country reveals itself to us in many strange ways, sometimes wonderful and other times less so.  We now see some hard truths that we had thought, or at least hoped, were in some ways behind us. And make no mistake….just as in 2016, this is what a large swath of our population wanted.  Even if you and I did not.  But in the United States of America, we are taught to accept the will of the people.  At least we’re supposed to do that. So what now? I have a lot before me, as I turned 64 a few months ago and had been looking ahead to retirement in just a few years.  Will I still retire?  ...

Five days

As hard as it may seem to believe, we are only five days from Election Day. Of course, mail-in and early voting has been going on in numerous states for a while now, and is happening for just a couple of days here in my home state of Kentucky.  My wife and I have observed lines of cars searching for parking spots and long lines of people standing and waiting, potentially for hours. It seems that many people got the message, that participation is the only thing that makes this election come out the way that many of us want it to.  Glad to see that. The television networks and other mainstream news sources continue to trumpet that it's a dead heat, it's a photo finish and whatever other phrases can be employed to reflect how close the race appears to be in light of polling data. The simple truth is that we'll know when we know who the actual winner is, or was.  In 2020, it was the following Saturday before most media outlets were confident enough in their tallies to declare...