I can see clearly now
Remember that old song? By Jimmy Cliff, the reggae star?
For some reason, I’ve been thinking a lot about that song recently.
Why? Well……
I went for an eye exam back in July because I sensed that my vision had decreased over the most recent several months. I had a cataract removed from my left eye in June 2022 and that improved my ability to see well quite a bit. But this latest decline was a little mysterious. I do a lot of computer work for my job and was having some difficulty seeing the screen well at times.
So in the process of my necessary vision exam the optometrist expressed some sense of loss as to why my right eye had declined so much since my last examination. Upon closer observation she concluded that I had a cataract on my right eye. The one I thought was OK around this time last year!
I had already decided that if this happened, I would seek out a new ophthalmologist. The previous one corrected my vision last year, to be sure, but had me come back repeatedly for what I thought were unexplained additional issues. Turns out that he had agreed to sell his practice and retire. So I asked for a recommendation of a new provider.
I was directed to an ophthalmology practice that operates in several cities in my home area and has several doctors. I was examined thoroughly by a technician and then met with the doctor, who confirmed that I needed this cataract removed. He also explained, quite rightly, that there are risks with any surgical procedure but he was confident that I would have a good outcome from this operation. Along with that, he does a day of surgery one day a month at the same surgical facility that my former doctor used, and it’s very close to our home. So we set the date of September 28.
About the only downside of this exam and office visit was that I had to drive north to Cincinnati for work appointments after having my eyes dilated. Uncomfortable but managed.
Went back in a couple of weeks to sign consent and receive pre-operative instructions, which were pretty straightforward. I was surprised to see that I would be following up with my optometrist, and not the surgical practice. But that was fine compared to the endless three month follow-ups I had experienced previously!
Surgery day neared and the day before, I received a call saying that I would need to be there at 6:15 AM for check-in and prep. My wife and I were both fine with it, as it was best to get it over with!
So we arrived as scheduled, signed quite a few forms and paid my share of the expenses. Then I went back for prep, and received several rounds of eye drops to disinfect and to dilate the surgical eye. I also received some medication to keep me relaxed. The doctor came to see me before I was taken in for surgery, explained what he was about to do for me and bumped me on the shoulder saying this should go well.
In short, it did. I was almost instantly seeing as well (with my glasses, of course) as I have in some years. I was even able to see well with an older description, which I found interesting.
Went the following day for follow up with the optometrist and she confirmed that all went well. Interestingly, she explained in great detail that this surgery was done in what is now the norm. The old way was to make an incision to remove the covering over the front of the eye, creating a flap to pull back and remove and replace the lens. The flap is then replaced and begins to heal almost immediately.
The new approach involves a small puncture in the cornea, through which the old occluded lens is removed and the new one inserted into place. Less invasive and less swelling, because there’s no incision. The white of my eye was really red and blotchy last time, but there was no direct evidence of a procedure at all with this newer method. No dryness or scratchy feeling, either. Nice!
I go back for a second follow up exam, and at a later time I’ll have a new vision exam and probably get new glasses to match whatever my prescription becomes.
At the ripe old age of 63, I feel really confident that I’ll continue to see well (again, with glasses) for some time to come. It’s a good feeling!
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