So, how's the new year going?

First post of 2023!  How's it going for everyone?

My new year is off to a fast start, already have one overnight business trip under my belt and another coming next week.  Rental cars and hotels, same stuff, different day/week/month.  So they say.

My family had a very nice holiday season, thanks, and I hope yours did as well.  Our son bought and hid a new television in our garage for a time, and I helped him install his mount for it shortly before Christmas.  Family likes it very much and they also enjoy additional living room floor space, as they no longer need a console on which to place said television.  Nice improvement!  And his two older kids received new phones for Christmas (the younger grandson had never had one), so more people for me to harass via iMessage!  Our daughter and her gang also got new phones, since the cellular companies are again practically giving them away!

We've resisted, although my wife would like to replace her phone sometime in the not too distant future.  Maybe after we file our taxes.....but we also want to get a new couch, so....

The House of Representatives convened with the Republicans in the majority.  Took them fourteen votes to elect as speaker the man who had been minority leader for some years.  The next two years should be interesting, if not infuriating.

Let me also say here that the entire story of Damar Hamlin is one of the most remarkable things I have ever witnessed from afar.  That he is no longer hospitalized this short a time after experiencing cardiac arrest multiple times is really incredible.  So happy to see that he is continuing to improve!

The Golden Globes were on the other night.  We didn't watch.  Not much more to add.

And, no, we haven't seen the newest Avatar, glad to wait until it's available on digital in one form or another.

If you've watched a recent Kentucky basketball game, please accept my sympathies.  We're all trying to figure out how a season that started with some promise has turned to utter mediocrity.

Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training on February 14.  Counting the days.....


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