Merry Christmas!

Good morning, and happy day-before-Christmas-Eve.

It”s.a balmy -5 degrees here in Lexington as I write this, if you can believe it.  The weather forecasters got this exactly right, as we’ve been hearing about what we would experience Thursday into today.  I have not gone out, and since I am off work until January 3, I don’t have to!

This is my customary post for this time of year.  I simply want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well!  And for anyone who’s celebrating Hanukkah or will celebrate Kwanzaa, I hope that you have a blessed celebration as well.

As you know, I write this blog for selfish reasons, namely to keep the part of my brain that produces this relatively sharp.  Another of those muscles that atrophies if we don’t use it, I suppose.  And I appreciate it when people find it and read it and maybe smile upon reading it or think a little bit.

So thank you for another good year in the life of this space, which I’ve been writing since 2009, I believe. Be safe, be well and be happy!


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