Seven days, and then what?

It's go time, folks.  The midterm elections occur in just one week.  Are you ready?  Is the country ready?

The appalling home invasion and assault of Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has brought the disturbing rhetoric of the political right into sharp focus, and it's an unpleasant sight.  But that's really nothing new, is it?

I am not about to predict anything here....after the national polls were so completely wrong in the presidential race of 2016, I don't know that there are any polls that are complete enough to be reliable.  But I know what I see, and here are some of the things I've seen this summer and fall.

Tim Ryan, a longtime Democratic House member from northeast Ohio who's now running against the carpetbagger J.D. Vance (who once detested Donald Trump but now loves him?!?).  The man is running without very much support from the national party leadership but says that he likes it that way.  If you recall, he ran for President in the last cycle, and was painfully honest during his debate appearances.  I like the man's style and he's definitely proven himself a happy warrior!

John Fetterman, the current Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, who is the Democratic nominee for the Senate seat being vacated by Pat Toomey.  He's opposed by TV "Doctor" Mehmet Oz, who apparently doesn't even live in Pennsylvania and is another of Donald Trump's chosen candidates.  Fetterman is a unique fellow, abnormally tall, bald with a goatee and tattoos and preferring to dress in a much more casual style than most are used to.  This bothers my wife quite a lot, but I find it refreshing, and he is also recovering from a stroke suffered around the time he won the nomination.  He's had his struggles but he seems authentic and would likely be a jolt to some of the more staid members of the Senate.

And Stacey Abrams gamely entered the Governor's race in Georgia and is once again challenging the incumbent Brian Kemp, who was Secretary of State in GA during the last election cycle for that office and had systematically purged voter rolls and made it more difficult for many of those who remained eligible to vote anyway.  She's trailing in the polls, and shows up well in the head-to-head debates between the two candidates.

I could continue but I'm concerned, and not just over what the final tally will be in the House and Senate.  There are quite a few election deniers running for statewide offices, most notably former television news anchor (and former Obama supporter turned Republican Trump acolyte) Kari Lake in Arizona and Tim Michels, another Trumpist, who said publicly in the last 24 hours that if he's elected (he's also a Republican) that he will see to it that Republicans never lose another election in the state of Wisconsin.


I'll say this....the next week should be interesting, at the least.


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