
It's the Monday before Christmas, so if you're not ready yet, well, your time is becoming limited!

I want to offer a line of thought that I found clarified some things for me.  I somehow thought that politicians are driven, ruthless individuals who are looking to win at all costs and often don't care who gets in the way of a given objective.

It turns out that this is not correct.

I have two recent examples, both United States Senators, members of what has long been called "the world's most deliberative body."  I will not name names, but I will help to identify who each of the examples might be.

The first one is a Senator from the state of Arkansas who has been outspoken in his opposition of the current Presidential administration.  He apparently held up the nominations of a substantial number of nominees for United States Attorney positions in a variety of locations.  He was apparently unwilling to disclose the reason for his objection to their nominations proceeding until recently, when he stated that, in a hearing several MONTHS ago, he was interrupted by a Senator from the state of Illinois, and that that Senator had failed to apologize for the interruption.  The "offending" Senator offered a bewildered apology, and the Senator from Arkansas thus lifted his hold on these U.S. Attorney nominations.

The second instance concerns a Senator from the state of West Virginia.  This Senator has been vocal in his concerns about major legislation that has been under development by Senate Democrats, House Democrats and the White House.  He has given mixed signals as to what his final position would be, but over the weekend he announced that he "just can't get there" and would vote against the legislation in question.  The reason?  He said that he was offended by words or actions (or both) by certain White House staff personnel and that he simply did not feel he had been treated appropriately.

So the moral of this story is that United States Senators are people, too, and they have feelings, just like you and I do!


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