Every day is a day to be thankful

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Today is the day when we all take time to give thanks for the many blessings we each enjoy.  But I prefer to believe that every day is a day to feel and even express our gratitude.

Here are some of the things that make me feel thankful:

My wife, whom I met about 37 years ago.  I was not close to any of my immediate family (for a lot of reasons that I won't go into here) but I met my wife and her two amazing kids and I felt a sense of belonging that I had never known before.  The kids grew up, and they married and had kids of their own.  And the love has grown exponentially since then.  There are an awful lot of things about me that have not changed that much, but I prefer to believe that my personal traits that have improved are entirely thanks to her!

My kids, whom I mentioned above.  They are both outstanding people, good spouses and excellent parents.  I'm proud of them, certainly, but appreciate them and the relationships we now enjoy as adults.

My grandchildren....what can I say!  Five blessings ranging in age from 16 to almost 4.  They're funny, they're insightful, they're caring and they all will be great people when they grow up!

I am thankful for a few very close friends, most of whom read this blog.  You know who you are!

I'm grateful that our family has not been affected directly or adversely by the coronavirus pandemic.  There have been what one could characterize as close calls, but no one has had the virus, all of the adults and some of the kids have been vaccinated, and all of us are aware of the need to not lower our guard.  As a result, we'll be hosting our son and his family of five later today for a long-awaited Thanksgiving dinner!  And our daughter and her family will join us remotely later in the day!

I'm appreciative of the fact that my employment was never disrupted during the worst of the pandemic.  My job changed, certainly, as circumstances changed, but I never missed a paycheck, and for that I am grateful.

And I'm thankful for you who visit this space and to allow me to share my thoughts, whatever your impressions of a given post's content.

May you all enjoy health and happiness, and time with those you love today!

Happy Thanksgiving to us all!


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