In short...

Lots going on today, so let's get right into some things....

First and most importantly, I hope that the stunning variety of weather that's affected various parts of the country have not caused any direct problems for you. Where I live, in central Kentucky, we've gone from heavy rain to stifling heat and it stands to be that way for a while.

But that's nothing compared to the massive rain and flooding in middle Tennessee a few days ago.  I just visited the Nashville area a couple of weeks ago, and the majority of the heavy downpours occurred not far west of that area.  As with most forms of severe weather, there was really nothing residents could do, and it's such a shame for a freak occurrence to claim so many lives and so much property.

Not that different in the northeast, where Hurricane Henri left a pretty significant amount of rain and wind damage as well.  The primary problem there, as reported on national news, appears to be the loss of power for so many residents.

COVID-19 remains a different type of storm, of course, and it's going to be a while before the storm dissipates, it seems.  The gulf states seem to be the epicenter of the greatest problems, with Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida bearing the brunt of case counts and the corresponding issues.  Sadly, these states are where most of the contention about masking in schools and public places seem to reside.

While it's certainly hoped that vaccinations will increase with the FDA fully approving the Pfizer vaccine earlier this week, it's really hard to say whether folks in these states (and others) who have thus far been unwilling to get the shots will have a change of heart.  After all, on Saturday a rally crowd in Alabama booed the former President when he suggested that people should get vaccinated.  Suppose that sums up where things stand.

I don't even know where to start with the chaos in Afghanistan right now.  Not a good situation for anyone concerned, and I honestly don't think it would have been any different if the American military withdrawal had occurred five years earlier or later.  Or five days, for that matter.  Time will answer, I suppose.

We very recently lost two prominent figures from the music world, as Don Everly passed over the weekend, with his brother Phil having died several years ago.  And today we learned that Charlie Watts, the drummer for The Rolling Stones, has also left us.  I happened to hear a couple of Stones songs on radio not long ago, both from the late 60s, and was so taken with Watts' propulsion of the songs with his straightforward yet powerful playing.  That engine is now silent.

I don't believe I've posted since the Field of Dreams game a couple of weeks ago but I'm still so amazed that it happened and was so well received.  And they'll do it all again next season, with the Cubs "hosting" my Cincinnati Reds!

Don't look now, but the Reds are currently in the lead for the second wild-card playoff spot in the National League.  With a little more than a month to go and a fairly agreeable schedule, it would seem that the timetables and other circumstances favor the Reds.  Let's hope.

Have a good week, at least the rest of it!


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