Long time coming

Happy Wednesday, friends.  Or, I think it's Wednesday.  I'm on vacation this week, so it's hard to know!

Short post today.  Our daughter and her family drove here from their home in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado to spend the week with us.  And it's been wonderful to have them here and to have our entire immediate family (our kids and their families) together at last.

We've had pizza parties, we had a celebratory dinner at a special place in the region, we're going to have dinner together here tonight and the "local" grandkids are here for the day to spend time with their Colorado cousins.

My wife and I are so immensely grateful that our national and regional situation relative to the coronavirus has finally allowed us to be together, thanks to the vaccinations of all of the adults in our circle.

I sincerely hope that the recent decline in case counts and restrictions has permitted you to spend more time with those whom you love, too!



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