Old guy stuff


Need I say more?  Maybe not, but I will anyway.

I'm working in my home office today, having spent yesterday out in the field, and am listening to a Dire Straits album that was first released in 1980.  Yes, that's approximately 41 years ago, and I make no apology for that.  The band's leader, Mark Knopfler, was and is a guitar prodigy (search him on YouTube and prepare to be astounded at his talent and range).  

I prefer to think of music like this not as old but as enduring.  I've listened to some of Knopfler's solo recordings since the breakup of Dire Straits (by the way, that's a really cool name for a band) and I like some of the music, but not as much as his old band.

By way of explanation, if you're a regular visitor here, you may have looked at the sidebar comments about me and you'll see that I don't generally listen to music made by performers younger than I am.

That's getting harder, since I'll be 61 in July.

But that's kind of emblematic of how I do a lot of things.  I like things that work and keep working.  My wife and I drive cars that are 14 and 16 years old, respectively.  Why?  There's really nothing wrong with them!

I like hats, and have a big head that's hard to fit.  Which means that I have some hats that have been around for a while.

When we revamped our garage storage, we didn't get into anything new.  We already owned one storage cabinet we liked, so we bought two more just like it!

I recently wrote of my predilection for drugstore-category aftershave lotions, so no need to repeat here.  But I'll add that I used Right Guard stick deodorant for many years, until it was discontinued.  In fact, I'm not sure of the last time I saw the Right Guard brand, although I now use a Gillette-brand product.

My wife and I have a very good collection of movies, some on DVD, some on Blu-Ray, most digitally.  I'd wager that over half of them are more than twenty-year-old films.

My favorite TV show of all time is "The West Wing," which was on the air from 1999 through 2006.  I can watch episodes of that show on a daily basis (I don't, by the way) and still enjoy and appreciate them.

But perhaps the greatest evidence that I like things to endure is that my wife and I will celebrate 35 years of marriage in July.  She keeps putting up with me, so what more can I say????

Have yourself a fine weekend!


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