I don't even know what to say

Friends, I'm sure that you were as shocked and appalled as I was at the events that unfolded in Washington yesterday.

Under ordinary conditions, Joe Biden's election would have been certified by a joint session of Congress in less than an hour.  And under similar conditions, the unexpected victory of two Democratic candidates for Senate in the state of Georgia would have been an equally big story.

Our conditions right now are very far from ordinary.

I won't replay what happened yesterday, whose fault it was or might have been, how the response to what happened could have been improved, etc.

What I do want to make mention of is that there is a significant list of Republican Senators and Congressmen who persisted in their efforts to overturn the results of our Presidential election AFTER the United States Capitol was overrun by rioters bent on insurrection.  I have zero patience or appreciation for those staunch supporters of the President who denounced yesterday's events after YEARS of unwavering support for the same President who unleashed these events and reportedly was initially pleased by them.

Nor do I have anything complimentary to say about a Vice-President who has been the number one cheerleader for this President and finally saw fit to do the right, in fact the ONLY, thing during the process yesterday and last night.

We have thirteen days left to endure this President and whatever else he may have in or on his mind.  


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