I'm thankful--in spite of it all

Happy Thanksgiving week, everyone!

I don't know if that's a thing, but it seems more and more people that I know and do business with opt to take this entire week off.

As is customary for this time of year, I've been thinking a bit of what I'm appreciative of, which is especially important right now.  So here goes:

I'm most thankful for the health of my wife, my children, their families and myself.  Throughout the coronavirus pandemic we have all avoided any infections from COVID-19, although I think we all know someone who's had it.  With the rapid spread of cases everywhere, it seems that continuing to evade such problems will become more difficult, at least until the majority of citizens can receive one of the multiple vaccines that should become available sometime in 2021.

I'm also grateful that I work for a company that has found a way (and then another and another) for me and my peers to continue to work and provide value, and to earn our normal compensation.  I don't know anyone personally who's been displaced by the pandemic, but there are far too many of them among us all the same.  Given the work that I do, and the original design of it, it would have been a very easy decision to furlough me and my associates until all of this resolved itself.  So hats off to my employer for that.

I thank and appreciate all of those people who have continued to work every day, providing medical care, police and fire protection, grocery and retail services and those restaurant and food service workers whose places of business have continued to operate through all of the limitations and restrictions that had to be imposed at various points since March.

More recently, I would like to say "thanks" to the Secretaries of State in our various states, local elections officials and poll workers for making it possible for more people than any prior election in history to cast ballots to choose their next President, Senators, Congressmen and many other offices.  Despite what's being claimed by some, these elections were largely without the problems, delays and disputes that many had feared and dreaded.  And because of many of these results, I feel that we have better days ahead.

And lastly, I thank you for visiting this space whenever you do, and at least taking a look at whatever my thoughts are on a given day.  It's certainly appreciated.

If you're wondering, my wife and I are going to celebrate Thanksgiving quietly at home, just the two of us.  We'll still watch the parades on television, probably some of the dog show, likely football as well, and we'll meet up with our kids and their families online.  Because for this year, that's how we have to do this.

And I'm thankful that technology for visiting virtually exists, too!

Enjoy your week and your holiday, and please stay safe.



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