A few minor corrections

I don't know about you, but I really dislike it when public figures misstate things, whether deliberate or not.  And it seems that lately we're really having to work hard to score these errors as they occur.  This also goes for opinions held by one or more of our fellow Americans.

So your erstwhile blogger has decided to devote a small amount of time and thought to this undertaking.

Here goes:

The coronavirus will not simply "go away."  Ever.

Children and young adults are NOT fully or "nearly" immune from Covid-19.  That theory was never entirely proven, but now that we see what's happening with universities and school systems around the country resuming in-person instruction, I think we know that now.

Stay-at-home orders are NOT akin to slavery, despite what the Attorney General might say.

"Playing down" a national emergency is never a successful strategy, particularly if you're the President.

People should not trust elected officials over scientists who are in charge of such entities as the Centers for Disease Control when it comes to guidance on the current pandemic.

Masks can and do help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  While people have many rights guaranteed them by the Constitution, flouting mask-wearing ordinances in the middle of a public health crisis is not one of them.  I wear a mask in public to protect you as much as myself.

Herd immunity (also sometimes referred to as "herd mentality") is not an effective approach to the management and containment of the coronavirus.

We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not the Red States of America or the Blue States of America.  There has already been a civil war in this country, and it really didn't benefit anyone involved, to my thinking.

Winston Churchill did NOT speak to his citizens from rooftops during the Blitz in wartorn London.

Social media of any kind (including a blog such as this one) is not an adequate substitute for consumption of relatively unbiased news reporting.

Eating inside of restaurants, even with the many precautions that operators are taking, is apparently not entirely without risk.

Global warming is NOT a myth, and if you don't believe that, ask the people in California, Oregon, Washington and other western states what they now think.  Or the people along the Gulf Coast who were just struck by Hurricane Sally.

Lying is not the right thing to do.  By anyone.

There, I feel better now.

Carry on.


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