A life well lived--epilogue

I heard from quite a few people when I remembered a very good friend who had passed away back in March, so wanted to offer a brief addendum to my comments from that day.

As you recall from the original post, golf was a central gathering point for this departed friend and several of my other friends--all of whom became friends of this fine man, of course.  We played an annual round of golf, when this friend would put aside his highly skilled golf game and play with occasional duffers, sharing a day of golf, fellowship and a lot of laughter.

So another longtime friend and I decided that we should schedule a round of golf in our departed friend's honor, as he would certainly want us to remember him on the golf course, where he spent a great deal of time that he clearly enjoyed.

Yesterday was that occasion, after a one-day delay due to weather (Saturday was the third day of occasionally heavy rain, unheard of in late July/early August in central Kentucky).  The group consisted of myself and a friend from my childhood, plus another who joined the gang some years ago and our fourth was a fellow who subbed for one of us with our old friend once, and that round was ended prematurely by rain.

We all convened at a selected course where some of us had played with our friend a time or two, and held forth in his memory and honor for 18 holes.  We ground our way around the course, we needled each other, we complained, we celebrated good shots and consoled one another over bad ones.  We even played the final hole from the silver "senior" tees that he finally convinced us all to play from with him the last time or two that we were with him.

A good time was had by all, and we all parted company knowing that our friend was with us.  As we knew he would be.


  1. Thank you for the kind words about John. He would have loved your golf game and the usual jokes and poking fun. Our daughters and I as well as the rest of the family miss him dearly. We still can't really believe he is not here with all of us. Golf was THE game. Karen Galloway


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