Sixty years on

Good Monday morning, my friends.  Today is my 60th birthday!

That may seem a little self-congratulatory, but, believe me, I'm very glad to be here!

For a couple of weeks I've been thinking a lot about an old song by Elton John (co-written with his longtime lyricist Bernie Taupin) called "Sixty Years On."  Its main character is an old retired soldier, as much as I can discern, but the lyrics are rather haunting, starting out this way:

Who'll walk me down to church when I'm sixty years of age
When the ragged dog they gave me has been ten years in the grave?
Senorita plays guitar, plays it just for you
And my rosary has broken, and my beads have all slipped through

That'll make you think a little.

I have a lot to be thankful for, a wonderful wife who shared her two amazing kids with me over thirty years ago, plus five grandchildren and a very full life!  I have a core of good friends and many friendly acquaintances from my past professional and personal associations.    

And in the midst of this global pandemic that remains stubbornly ever-present, we should all be thankful for all that we have and enjoy.

Already this morning I've received birthday greetings from people I know professionally via LinkedIn, 

I have the day off from work and my wife and I will be doing something unique, socially distanced and hopefully fun a little later.

So thank you for visiting this space and allowing me to share my thoughts, however random they might be!



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