Yes and no

It's Tuesday, everyone.  And I almost said it was MONDAY.

Just a few random thoughts about the world in general, as seen through our current state of seclusion.

YES, I had a marvelous long weekend, as I added an extra day to it, but

NO, I still wasn't ready to return to work today.

YES, I managed to play a socially distant round of golf with friends on Friday, and

NO, I'm not sore anymore because of it.

YES, I'm a little tired of being at home this much of the time, but

NO, I'm not that anxious to go out to a crowded restaurant or bar.

YES, we're running out of decent things to watch, but

NO, we aren't watching a lot of the absolute garbage that resides on Netflix, Amazon Prime and elsewhere.

YES, we're enjoying cooking and eating at home, but

NO, our trips to the grocery for supplies are still not complete, as there is invariably something we need/want that is out of stock.

YES, we're ordering more things online, but

NO, we aren't buying things we really don't need.

YES, I'm tired of car companies and insurers and injury lawyers and home remodelers telling me in their advertising that they're here for me during "this difficult time" and that they practice proper social distancing, but

NO, I haven't needed any of them.  Yet.

YES, I am grateful that I still have a job in the midst of this, but

NO, I don't know anyone who's been directly impacted by the massive layoffs and furloughs.

YES, I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it, and

NO, I don't have anything else to add!


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