So, that's that....?

Big day today, friends.  Not only is it Super Bowl Sunday (sorry, I didn't add the "registered trademark" symbol) but it's also Groundhog Day.  News reports indicate that Punxatawney Phil failed to see his shadow this morning, so we're in for an early spring.  Maybe.

I come here with a high level of assurance that our President will, in fact, be acquitted of the articles of impeachment brought against him late last year.  This vote is a virtual certainly and will occur along party lines, with a very small number of exceptions.

So that's the end of this entire saga.

Or is it?

Seems that some of the folks who have something to say are ready to say it to someone.  Like former National Security Advisor John Bolton, who apparently has a book that's about to be published about the entire Ukrainian affair that prompted what's been happening in Washington since the late summer.  There have been numerous strategic leaks from the Bolton manuscript, which the White House received from Bolton in order to gain cursory approval to publish it.

In these leaks it's stated that the President was front and center on the entire effort to withhold aid from Ukraine and that Bolton was in numerous meetings where it was discussed.  When Bolton resigned (or was fired, depending on whom you believe), he stated flatly that the truth would come out.  Perhaps it will.

Then there's the case of a man named Lev Parnas, who is a Russian-born U.S. citizen who's apparently been neck-deep in the nefarious activities overseen by the President's personal lawyer, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.  Parnas is already under indictment and awaits trial on a number of charges that are campaign-finance-related.  Yet he's been on the airwaves quite a bit, telling his story and seeing to it that video of dinners and other functions he attended with the President make it to the media.  And the President continues to state categorically that he does not know Parnas.


More will come out, almost certainly, but probably not in the form of sworn testimony in a legal proceeding.  The opportunity for that has now passed, it seems.

Let's see where the next set of clues leads.....


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