As it happens

It's Friday.  Finally.  I have a friend with whom I exchange TGIF messages each week.  You know who you are!

I think we're in a remarkable period of what will eventually be our country's history from this time period, in which we're witnessing all manner of strange and previously unbelievable events unfolding right before our eyes.

Yesterday's announcement heralding a cease-fire between the Turkish military and the Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria is a great example of this.  This is a conflict that arose almost entirely because our President agreed to move American military forces out of the region to allow a Turkish incursion into the area.

I won't pretend to fully understand all of the nuances of the vast number of faith-based groups throughout the Middle East, but it's clear that the Kurdish rebels involved here have been great allies to American and other coalition forces in their efforts to fight back against ISIS in recent years.  And our country simply disregarded this.

Every Friday I shake my head at what happened in the previous week, and what that means going forward, and what will change because of it.  The news of recent events of Congressional testimony and depositions is plentiful these days.

Another event that deserves more attention than it's getting is the recent death of Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings, a lion in the House of Representatives for many years and a fierce advocate for fairness in all things.  He was from Baltimore, a city I've visited a few times but apparently never really saw, based on all that I've read and observed from a comfortable distance.  Only one figure of importance has had anything directly negative to say about this man in the recent past, and I'll leave that for you to conclude.

One thing that we can all be assured of...there will be more news where all of this came from.

Have a good weekend.


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