Ode to a gourd

Happy Hump Day to everyone.  Hope your week is going well!

I think I've offered this opinion in the past, but I have trouble understanding the fascination with pumpkin spice EVERYTHING this time of year.  As I recall, this phenomenon used to come somewhere around October, but it's gotten earlier each year, it seems.

My impression is that Starbucks was the original culprit, but now I see everything from doughnuts to pancakes offered by restaurants, and in a recent visit to Target I saw an entire display built of processed food products that featured pumpkin spice flavor, including Cheerios, Oreos, Pop-Tarts and a host of other items.

Confession--I don't even care much for pumpkin pie.  It's not the flavor, but, rather, the texture that does it for me.  The taste is something I don't necessarily object to, but I don't really seek it out, either.

I have no ill will toward those who enjoy it.  My wife is one of them, albeit in measured doses.  For example, she stopped by Starbucks recently and wound up, rather accidentally, with a cold brew with sweet pumpkin spice cream.  Loved it.  I mean, she LOVED it!  But Saturday last, we had occasion to travel out of town and she opted for a white chocolate mocha instead, so she's still interested in variety.

However, a young woman I know and have become friends with over the past couple of years is highly enamored of the standard Starbucks pumpkin spice latte.  We met a couple of weeks ago for coffee, and I bought her one, while I enjoyed a nitro cold brew.  She told me that it was her third PSL (abbreviations are a thing, you know) of the week, and that was on a Thursday.  Like my wife, this gal loves fall, so the availability of the PSL is something of a marker on the calendar that fall is here, just like the arrival of football season, the passage of Labor Day and the beginning of the school year.

I say, go ahead, enjoy it while it lasts.  As long as consumption of any of these things isn't compulsory, I'm all for it.


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