Not again

I'm sure that many of you were as horrified and upset by the shootings this weekend in El Paso and Dayton.  I've visited both cities repeatedly (El Paso was part of a large sales territory I managed some years ago) and have always been welcomed warmly by people in each.

I have a friend with whom I used to work in El Paso.  She, in turn, has children and grandchildren in the area, so Saturday evening I sent a message to her to make sure that she and her family members were all OK, and was relieved to hear that they were.

I won't go into all of the political, social, medical and other ramifications of these heinous acts, except to say that none of it is simple, or clear-cut, or that there are obvious solutions that will prevent these things from happening again, regardless of whether these shootings occur in the workplace or elsewhere.

I honestly don't know what else to say, but welcome your comments and to know what your thoughts might be.


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