The week that was

It's Friday, everyone!  Hope you're not battling through a knee-deep snow drift at your house!

We're getting some severe weather here in central Kentucky this morning.  Shouldn't last too long, but we're seeing some heavy rain and thunder.  Should see more of the same sometime this weekend.

I hope not too much of it, as two of our grandchildren have games today.  In fact, we have a conflict for the first time in a while--granddaughter is playing soccer while grandson is playing baseball, and the locations are not close together.  So we'll sort that out later.

Went to Nashville for a two-plus day training class.  I am in a management role, so I went and was assigned the task of being a "table leader," which meant I did more facilitating that learning.  The subject matter was already pretty familiar to me all the same.

But what I enjoy about an occasion like this is meeting so many different people.  We had folks from Florida, Oklahoma, Missouri, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Ohio, and I'm sure I left a few out.  That's the beauty of something like this--the diversity of the backgrounds and experiences that people bring into situations of this type.

However, let me state here and now that Nashville (or Brentwood, more specifically) hasn't changed all that much.  And by that I mean traffic.  Lots and lots of traffic.  And aggressive drivers.

Let me elaborate.  Some years ago I worked for a company with divisional headquarters in Franklin, about twenty miles south of the downtown Nashville area.  Rule of thumb I always followed was that you had to be ready to attempt to pass through the highly congested downtown area by 3:30 (didn't matter whether you were heading north or south) to avoid major congestion.  Now it appears that you need to allow even more time than before!

The highlight of my trip was a dinner with a very good friend, a woman who formerly worked for me and who lives in the area.  We were laid off from our former company a few months apart but have stayed in sporadic contact since.  The last time I saw her was in 2014, when I was in Nashville for a job interview.

As longtime acquaintances often do, we picked up right where we left off, shared some family info and agreed that we need to do better in the future.  In fact, I'm going to make sure to share the link to today's post with her!

So back to the normal routine today and for the remainder of the month, at least workwise.  Will have more tales from a personal trip next weekend!


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