Tell me about it

Friends, it's late on the first Monday afternoon of March.  And it's 24 degrees.  And the temperature had to really struggle to reach that level today!

It snowed here in Kentucky yesterday, as it did in a lot of other places.  My wife and I were returning from a hockey tournament in Oxford, Ohio yesterday afternoon and noticed that the further south we went, the worse the roads became.  And there were more cars off the road.  Our son was following with his family a few miles back and he reported that a car lost control in front of him, careened (his word) across all three lanes, and finally came to rest just off the shoulder--facing the wrong way!

So, in other words, while the winter may almost be over, the operative word there is ALMOST!

It's over for hockey, we know, as our grandson concluded his season well with the trip north and a couple of games yesterday morning.  The later of the two was an absolute blowout, which means that the entire team had a big time playing that one.  He's had a lot of fun this year, has progressed nicely (in my uneducated opinion, anyway) but is ready for something else.  My wife asked him what's next yesterday at lunch and without even looking up he simply said "tennis."  Couldn't tell if he was kidding or not.

Kentucky's basketball team hit a bit of a speed bump over the weekend, going to Tennessee and losing big.  This comes after the Cats had beaten the Vols in Lexington just a couple of weeks ago.  And in the same week when they had trouble putting away a lesser team from Arkansas, too.

The weather even affected baseball spring training.  Rain and cool weather plagued most of the training sites throughout Arizona recently, but the teams are all playing now.

I'm just grateful that I was coming home during the foul weather yesterday, instead of embarking on a trip.  Hope you were able to stay relatively cozy, too!


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