Not another post about the weather

Good morning, friends.  We're in the midst of a small heat wave here in central Kentucky, as the temperature has reached 11 balmy degrees.  But I'm not here to discuss the brutal cold that has struck the majority of the country.

No, I don't have any interest in relating tales from contacts in Michigan and other northern localities where the temperature (and not the wind chill) is well below zero during daylight hours.

Not planning to mention some of the stupendously ignorant comments made by our President about this weather and him asking for "good old global warming" to return.

I could give a shout-out to a friend who braved these extreme temperatures recently for a hike in the cold and snow, but not just now.

I could discuss the marvel of physics that allows it to be below ten degrees and yet the sun melts and evaporates snow from driveways and sidewalks, but I won't.

And I didn't know that somewhere along the way our weather experts renamed the "jet stream" and now refer to it as the "polar vortex," but let's not get into that just now.

No, I have better things to talk about than the weather.

Seriously, though, my home state of Kentucky continues to make itself look rather silly.  Did you happen to see or hear the comments made in a radio interview by our Governor, Matt Bevin?  He seems to think that we're getting "soft" when we cancel classes due to the extreme cold.  Incidentally, this is a man who's originally from New Hampshire, where they chuckle at the South's inability to deal with a brief but pronounced sample of harsh winter weather.  And if you're not from Kentucky and interested, he made a pretty substantial amount of money in the investment market.

Back to the "polar vortex," I actually heard a plausible explanation for all of this.  Greenhouse gases have caused a rupture in the normal air mass that constitutes the jet stream and extremely cold air has essentially leaked out and poured southward.

All I know is that it's cold.  It will be warmer today but not until later.

Hope that wherever you are you're safe.  And warm.


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