Powering through

Happy Friday to you all.  If you or anyone you love was/is in the path of the recent hurricane I certainly will hope for the best for you and yours.

I'm delighted that this work week is nearly over, and I'm sure that those of you who are Monday-through-Friday people are, too.

I'm in my third week of traveling in my new role with my company, and am meeting new people in pretty significant numbers.  Wisely, I decided not to try to memorize everyone's names.  But I think most know MY name now!

This was one of the more peculiar travel week's I've ever experienced.  My early-week destination was a community in western South Carolina, so my optimal travel path was to fly to Atlanta, rent a car, and make the nearly three hour drive into SC.  That was Monday afternoon and evening, and I did the reverse Wednesday morning, flying out for three days of meetings in the Detroit area, where I am now.  Flying home this afternoon.

The only other instance of a schedule this odd was when I had first assumed responsibility for a sales region some ten years ago.  I had openings in both New Mexico and Nevada, so left home, flew to Albuquerque, conducted two interviews, went back to the airport and flew to Las Vegas, conducted two more interviews the next day, and then flew home the following day.

I'm sure that this is really not a big deal to those who cover a large geography but for me it's a bit peculiar.

The one saving grace this week (and should be for the foreseeable future) is that all of my travel has been in a single time zone.  Far more taxing if you're going from zone to zone, in my experience.

In addition to the hurricane, some other news caught my attention, namely the notable drop in the stock market this week.  As someone who has all of his retirement money tied up in plans which are, in turn, tied to the market, I hope these are temporary corrections and not permanent adjustments.

I also noticed that the states of Georgia and Indiana are reportedly conducting orchestrated voter suppression activities.  No coincidence that the Republican candidate for Governor of Georgia is that state's current Secretary of State and therefore responsible for conducting elections.  Those who cry foul are right to do so.

And for some inexplicable reason, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her resignation at year's end.  Why she's leaving and what she'll do next are a good question.

For his part, President Trump has appeared at campaign rallies (in the midst of the devastation of Hurricane Michael), claimed to know more about monetary policy than the Chair of the Federal Reserve in complaining about the stock market declines, and welcomed rapper Kanye West to the Oval Office.  He also isn't backing away from an arms sale to Saudi Arabia despite that country's possible involvement in the killing of a dissident journalist who was a permanent U.S. resident.

And for my part, that's about all I have to offer this morning, so I wish you a good day and a better weekend!


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