Hard to believe

Good morning, friends.  Looks like the rainy season may be over, at least for now, here in central Kentucky, although Friday looks to be a washout.

We're experiencing some milestones in our family lately.  In addition to welcoming our fifth grandchild last December, we now have two grandkids who will receive their first Holy Communion this spring.  One had her ceremony here in Lexington on Sunday, and the other will do so in the Denver area in early June.  Our younger grandson will turn 7 in just a few weeks.

I just can't believe it.

But, then again, I found it hard to believe when our FIRST grandchild arrived, and she'll be 13 in late July!

I remember my parents (particularly my mother) saying that "when you get older, you'll be amazed how quickly time passes."  Isn't that the truth?

And I think we have to have some life experience to appreciate that.  At least I did.  For instance, I read that actors Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.  Congratulations to the happy couple, but you still have catching up to do, as my wife and I will celebrate 32 years of matrimony come July 4.

In so many ways, it seems like a very short time ago that we met, but yet we've experienced so much together since then that, if one lays all of those experiences end to end, it's been quite a full life together.

At least I think so.

I try not to think in terms of the 'old days'  and such, but once in a while I catch myself thinking about a song or a movie and realize how long ago it was that it was released.  My ongoing listening to the Beatles channel on satellite radio is proof of that, of course.  How often would I consider that "A Hard Day's Night" was released when I was but four years old?

Sports is that way, too, as I'll talk about 'the kid who plays shortstop for the Reds,' and, to me, he (Jose Peraza) IS a kid, as he just turned 24!  And in the midst of complaining about something that happened to the Kentucky basketball team, I catch myself and remember that 'they're just kids."  They are.

Just something I was thinking about this week.  Have a good one.


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