The next step
It's Monday. A good bit has happened since our last visit..... Saturday brought us the March for our Lives in some 800 locations throughout the U.S. and around the world. About 1,000 people marched here in Lexington, and, of course, the largest gathering was estimated to be 800,000 in Washington, D.C. Ironic that both President Trump and members of Congress were not in town when this occurred. I watched some of the coverage and many of the speeches, but was most taken by Emma Gonzalez and her speech. If you're not familiar with her by name, Emma is the young woman who wears a buzz cut and has become one of the primary faces of the movement she and her classmates from Parkland began. Emma's speech was deliberately punctuated by a period of silence to ensure that the entire length of her appearance was equal to the amount of time that the shooter roamed the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's Day. To see that girl standing b...