57 years, 3 days

Greetings, everyone.  Writing on an early Sunday morning, as I was again awakened by some respiratory congestion that seems to be endless, but it's only been about ten days.  I blame our native climate and the mold and allergens that it promotes.

I had a birthday on Thursday, if you're keeping score.  57 years young.  Or, as one of my grandchildren pointed out when discussing this milestone, "wow, Poppy, you're really old!"  Not really.

I don't dwell on things like this very often, but my father died when he was 56.  For all I knew as a young adult,  he might as well have been 86 at that time.  He just SEEMED old to me, always did.

Do I feel old?  No, but I know that I'm well into middle age, at least.  Do I look old?  Probably not, and that's mostly because I'm heavier than average, so my face is filled out and therefore does not show a lot of wrinkles, except around my eyes.

This must have been the year of the pop-up greeting card, as the cards I received from my wife and my kids were all pop-ups of one kind or another.  Our son and his family gave me a Star Wars-themed card with the entire cast of characters depicted to wish me a happy birthday.  My wife gave me a very nice card that shapes out into a sailing ship, and our daughter and her crew send a really neat card that folds out flat and produces a colorful sailing ship.

I like ships, in case you had not detected that.

Two of the cards contained gift cards that are always welcome, from Fandango (you know, the online movie ticket seller) and iTunes.  Neither is burning a hole in my pocket, so I'll get around to spending them sometime soon.

My wife took me to a local spot we like for breakfast, the Keeneland Track Kitchen.  Keeneland is the very old and traditional horse racing track that isn't far from our home.  A friend tipped me off to the Track Kitchen a number of years ago, as it exists mostly to give the people who work on the premises a place to eat breakfast and lunch.  It's a family favorite and always a treat to visit!

The cutest thing about my birthday was that our "local" granddaughter is well aware of my penchant for chocolate, and began promoting the idea of having my birthday dinner at a local barbecue restaurant (part of a regional chain that we all like) and indulging in their tasty chocolate cake.  So that's exactly what we did, and I reveled in the occasion, with a grandchild on each side of me.  The food was pretty good, too, and that cake is always delicious!

The other notable activity of my birthday was a local business open house that I visited in the afternoon.  This was a grand opening of sorts and most of the people with whom I do business were there.  A surprising number knew it was my birthday, so I received a lot of very nice birthday wishes. Same goes for LinkedIn, where members are encouraged to post their birthdates.  Received a great many birthday greetings there as well.

So it was a very nice birthday.  In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I think I'll do it again next year!


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