News of all kinds

Friends, it's Wednesday, so we're at about the halfway point of the work week.  And we're approaching Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer.  School is almost out for the summer, too.

Let me first make a general comment about what's happening in Washington.  I don't think anyone who visits here would disagree that we're in for some rough times over the coming weeks and months.  I was a young teen when the Watergate break-in, coverup and investigation occurred, and remember well my mom (who was not working at that time) watching every minute of the Senate hearings on the subject.  I don't know if I understood everything that was happening, but got enough of it to know that it wasn't good for anyone.

My take now is that there are now so many media outlets that information is likely leaking from numerous sources, in the executive or legislative branches of our government as well as within some departments.  That's not good, but things are found out quickly in our current 24-hour news cycle and that may mean they resolve quickly.  Hoping that our most important institutions withstand what's happening right now.

Less important stuff to move on with....

It's hot here in central Kentucky.  Really hot.  Damned hot, if you ask me.  This often happens, the weather is fair, damp, often with a cold snap thrown in for good measure throughout the spring, then a switch appears to be thrown and here we are, in blazing heat.  We should be used to it, it seems to happen every year!

Good baseball weather.  Our grandson is in the middle of a good season with his T-ball team and at last night's game he made a very good play from his second base position on a ground ball, fielding the ball cleanly and making a perfect throw to first for the out.  Remember, these kids are four to six years old, so a semi-professional play on a ground ball is kind of a big deal, at least to me.  Our grandson's team has only lost once, but they have a couple of games to make up due to some of the foul weather I mentioned.

The Reds continue a surprisingly good season, too.  Thanks to having lost four straight games, they've fallen back to the .500 mark, but, honestly, rebuilding teams rarely get to that point and stay there, so it's been an up and down season marked with a fair amount of promise for the future.  And all of this with a makeshift starting rotation forced by multiple injuries to several pitchers.

My son and I visited Cincinnati last week and watched the home team beat the New York Yankees in a good game.  Great to be in the ballpark for that!

I've been trying to play some golf, but it seems that it has rained on so many weekends that it hasn't come together as it often does.  Played with some friends a couple of weekends ago, played a decent round with a good stretch of holes in the middle, which is not bad for a complete lack of practice and playing.

One more thing and I'll let you get back to your Wednesday...our family will be growing again in December, as we just found out over the weekend that our son and his wife are expecting their third child!  What a wonderful Mother's Day surprise!


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