Holiday to holiday
Good morning to all. I hope that Thanksgiving was joyous, safe and relaxing for everyone. I suppose that I'm just sort of non-compliant. I did not go out and shop on Black Friday (though I did stop by the grocery, but that really doesn't count), I did not visit a small business on Shop Small Saturday, and I did not order any merchandise online during Cyber Monday yesterday. Shame on me. I'm usually dependable with respect to propping up our economy. I wasn't a complete laggard, though, as my wife and I put up our holiday decorations Sunday and we began organizing our Christmas shopping, and actually did a little of it already. But ONLY a little. Did you know that President Franklin Roosevelt moved the observance of Thanksgiving during his time in the White House? If I have the story right, retailers pressured him to decree that Thanksgiving be celebrated early, as the year this was contemplated, Thanksgiving came late in the month of November. ...