
Showing posts from April, 2016

The view from here

It's Thursday, everyone, which means the work week is about over for most.  I'm still on the hunt but have had another productive week and have made some inroads regarding my job search. Have I mentioned that the house next door to us is a rental?  We've lived here for twenty years, and other than a couple of brief periods where both sons from a realty/property management family lived there, it's been a rental all of that time.  The most recent former tenants were nice folks, a family of five from south Florida.  They moved because they were finally able to buy a home, which is great news for them.  They told me that they had such problems getting the owners to do anything to the house while they lived there that they were going to move anyway, new home purchase or not. So it seems that the owners of this house, comparable in size to ours, are finally doing some catch-up maintenance and repairs.  This began a month or so ago, when the decrepit fence tha...

S L O W L Y making progress

Good Tuesday morning, everyone.  Hope the weather in your neck of the woods has been agreeable lately.  Here in central Kentucky we've had a little of everything--rain, snow, wind, thunderstorms, sunshine and warmth.  And that was in the last three days! Remember the old Tom Petty song, "The Waiting," wherein Petty sings that "the waiting is the hardest part?"  I'm here to tell you this morning that this is a true statement.  True in general, but particularly when you're conducting an all-out job search, it's especially true! Granted, when I'm on the other side of the equation, and am charged with locating and hiring a good candidate to fill a job under my responsibility, I don't rush things, either, but I work pretty steadily until the situation is resolved.  From my current perspective of unemployment, though, it certainly feels as though no one gets in anything close to a hurry to fill a position, even if it's the most critical job...


Good Tuesday morning from the Bluegrass State, where the residents are happy that North Carolina didn't win the men's NCAA basketball championship! And if you think I'm kidding, stand on a corner in Lexington today and ask passersby their opinion! Yesterday was Opening Day in Major League Baseball, although three games were played on Sunday.  MLB is really muddying the waters with all of this, and my Cincinnati Reds have not continued a long tradition of opening the baseball season with their first pitch for a long time! But still, it's a great day, and almost a holiday in our family, as I've written in this space in the past.  The Reds played their season opener at home against the Philadelphia Phillies, who were almost as bad in the wins-losses department as the Reds last year.  But all of the teams start the season tied for first place, you know, so that's why we watch.  And Opening Day is must-see TV in our family, unless we happen into tickets for the...