The view from here
It's Thursday, everyone, which means the work week is about over for most. I'm still on the hunt but have had another productive week and have made some inroads regarding my job search. Have I mentioned that the house next door to us is a rental? We've lived here for twenty years, and other than a couple of brief periods where both sons from a realty/property management family lived there, it's been a rental all of that time. The most recent former tenants were nice folks, a family of five from south Florida. They moved because they were finally able to buy a home, which is great news for them. They told me that they had such problems getting the owners to do anything to the house while they lived there that they were going to move anyway, new home purchase or not. So it seems that the owners of this house, comparable in size to ours, are finally doing some catch-up maintenance and repairs. This began a month or so ago, when the decrepit fence tha...