Home again

Good Monday to all.  Back in my home base, after a work trip to Dallas the latter part of last week.

I guess I'm just terribly out of practice with air travel, particularly, but is the process of traveling actually getting WORSE?  The patience level of people was notably low when I traveled last Wednesday and Friday.  I was fortunate in Dallas that in my return trip I went through security in a terminal that is not as heavily used as others, so that wasn't a problem.  But, oh, my, the grimaces, the pushing and shoving, the walking into other people while reading their phones.  I hope that at the height of my travel frequency that I never was that bad.

So back to normal and back to "real" work today.

Enough about that---let's talk about football!

The Kentucky Wildcats did something on Saturday that they had not accomplished since 2009.  They won a game while visiting another Southeastern Conference opponent's stadium!  The Cats visited the University of South Carolina in Columbia Saturday night and emerged with a win.  It wasn't pretty, as they mounted a nice lead in the first half, only to have most of that lead gradually slip away until late in the game, when Kentucky intercepted a South Carolina pass to regain possession and seal the victory.

If it interests you, Google "Kentucky locker room celebration" to see some video of some very happy young men, and some older ones, too!

The NF of L began its season Thursday night, and the New England Patriots are at it again, but claiming no wrongdoing, of course.  Early in their game with the Pittsburgh Steelers, it was reported that the Steelers coaching staff could only hear the New England radio broadcast in their headsets, instead of each other.  I'll just say that it winning is SO important that it's necessary to bend or break rules regularly to that end, it's not that important.

Our daughter was present when the Denver Broncos began their season in the Mile High City yesterday, eking out a win against the Baltimore Ravens.  We did not receive the game on our local affiliate, but visited a restaurant where it was on and saw most of the fourth quarter.  It looked like a mostly defensive game, as the score was pretty low.  But a win is a win, as they say.

And lest we forget about my Cincinnati Reds, as they managed three wins in four games against the hated St. Louis Cardinals.  The Cardinals had been on cruise control most of the year, but now are only a couple of games ahead of the Pittsburgh Pirates in the standings.  So join me in wishing the Pirates success from here on.  If the Reds can't win, I prefer that the Cardinals don't.  Sorry, but that's what happens when you're a fan.  The Reds are still as inconsistent as their young pitching, but there's cause for optimism with several of these talented young arms.

I noticed Rick Perry dropped out of the Presidential race late last week.  I doubt many others did.  Strange scenario, as this guy had more money and better organization in 2012, and the same thing happened then.  I suppose despite all of the background things being in place, it's possible that who the candidate is actually matters.   Hmm....

Have a good week!


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