A sunny Monday, for a change

Good Monday morning, all.  Very nice weather lately here in central Kentucky.  Hope the same for your home area.

I've had an interesting weekend, albeit different from most.  My wife is away for a visit with her aging mother and returns today, so I've been a quasi-bachelor since Thursday morning.

As I believe I had mentioned previously, we decided to try out the HBO Now app on Apple TV (and other Apple devices, though we never got that far) and didn't find much we both wanted to watch.  However, there were a few things that I wanted to see.  For example, I managed to binge-watch "True Detective" after my wife's departure, since she watched the first episode with me and did not find it to her liking.  Intriguing mini-series, well acted and written.  Not at all predictable, which was a nice change from so much traditional television drama.  And it had a quirkiness to it that I really liked.

I must be on a Matthew McConaughy run right now, as after watching that I decided to check out "Dallas Buyers Club," for which the actor won an Oscar.  I must say, he gave probably the performance of his life (I'm partial to his work in "Interstellar," which I also watched in multiple installments over the weekend) in this unusual movie.  I read online that the script had made the rounds in Hollywood before being made (with McConaughy's financial help, apparently) and was shot on an extremely small budget.  I saw the word "searing" used in a review of this and I tend to agree.  Outstanding movie, and the other major supporting players, Jared Leto (who also was recognized with an Oscar) and Jennifer Garner, were also top-notch.

One more thing about "Interstellar" that I want to add.  This is my third viewing of the movie, and it never fails to make me feel and think, and that's rare.  I love movies, as you know if you stop by here regularly, but this one is special to me.

Anyway, Saturday was my grandson's Wee Ball game day, so I stopped by there for a time, then had lunch with a very good friend who's experiencing some personal and professional challenges.  Hope things move to a better place on both fronts for her.  Nice bonus, as we went to a place next to our normal spot and I had a bison burger, which is a bit of a rarity in Lexington.  Tasty.  Coupled it with a couple of bottles of Fat Tire beer, straight from Fort Collins, Colorado!

Returned home and began to experience problems with my cable TV box.  Called in, the tech reset it remotely, and then it wouldn't work at all.  My only alternative was to drive across town before their "store" closed at 5:00 and exchange it for another.  That one didn't work, either, until I called back in two more times for technical support.  I complained enough about the entire process that I will now be paying about $12 less per month.  Honestly, how hard would it be to simply have something that works?  And now another problem has cropped up, so I suppose I'll have to get on the phone with them later!

I mowed the lawn and then watched the Kentucky Derby with no knowledge of any of the horses!  My son and I conferred briefly that morning and nothing really made an impression.  The winner was pretty impressive, in the end, and the race was close and entertaining.

Yesterday was a little more normal.  I played golf with a friend in a very slow round (five hours) and hit some good shots here and there, but did not putt well and therefore did not score well.  But it was a beautiful day and the company was good.  We eventually retired to a wings-and-beer joint for some grub and to watch a little baseball.  Came back here tired, sore and full and managed to do laundry and dishes.

Still need to straighten up the house from my riotous weekend, so I'll bid everyone a good day and week!


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