Writing it down

Good morning, friends...hope you had the chance to enjoy some time off from your job and have a long weekend.

Here's a little secret...my wife and I were married on July 4, 1986.  What a stroke of luck for me--a date I can easily remember, a day off from work each year to celebrate, and fireworks!  My wife and I enjoyed our anniversary this year, as we always do!

Among our anniversary activities was a movie--my wife particularly enjoys Tom Cruise's movies, so we took in a showing of "Edge of Tomorrow."  Imagine "Groundhog Day" crossed with "Independence Day," and add some well-done action sequences.  Intriguing and entertaining; I like to think at least a little during a movie, and this one had me scratching my head here and there.  It's based on a graphic novel called "All You Need is Kill."  Rather glad they changed the title.

I'm rolling a bit early today.  I have two conference calls to lead this morning, and because we have four more people in the house than usual, and because the first call will occur about the time everyone's trying to get some breakfast, I'm heading to my office for these calls in a short time.  It's not far, and I don't HAVE to go there, but it's easier for me and for the other folks who are with us.  Incidentally, those "folks" are my daughter, her husband and their two kids (one of whom has been with us for about three weeks, and it's been a joy for her to be here!).

So things have been just a little different of late, as I'm in a fairly new job (only two months in), and a lot of travel within Kentucky and otherwise as part of the onboarding and orientation process.  The job is just fine, thank you, if a bit different from the last seventeen years or so!

A brief followup on my remarks here recently about digital and online music...I spent a little time yesterday deleting duplicate songs from my iTunes library.  Amazing how many there were, given that I might have the original album where a song first appeared, then the same song in some sort of "greatest hits" or "essential" collection.  And in the computer, storage space is not something to be wasted, so I was happy to do a little housecleaning.  I will also mention another streaming music service that I passed along to a friend over the weekend--Songza, which is "context-based."  That means that instead of specifying what artist you want to hear, the system asks what you're doing, and will recommend genres of music accordingly.  So if you're working on a project, for example, it might suggest great music to hear in the background of your other activities.  It's free, so if you're so inclined, give it a try.

Try as they might, the Cincinnati Reds just can't seem to make up ground in the standings to the meteoric Milwaukee Brewers.  During the Reds' recent hot stretch, the Brewers played just as well.  And the two teams concluded a three game series in which the Reds won two, but only gained a game in the standings.  So now the Reds need to beat up on the Cubbies a bit, and that should prompt some movement in the standings.

I never really "caught" World Cup soccer fever, but if you did, I hope you're coping well enough.

And our unseasonably mild weather here in central Kentucky appears to be at an end.  Hotter yesterday, hotter still during the coming week and chances of isolated thunderstorms off and on all week.  Thursday through Saturday, especially, felt like early fall around here.

So that's today's update on things that probably could have waited.  Have yourself a good week.


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