All new

Greetings to all....brief entry this morning, as I've just started a new position this week, and was able to steal a few minutes to post a few thoughts.

First off, it's nice to be working again.  I had a total of five weeks off after departing from my last position, and I certainly welcomed the break for many reasons.  What did I do with my time?  Well, let's see.  I completed several yard projects, which made my wife very happy.  I got an extended chance to play with two of my grandchildren, one of whom was pretty upset that I wasn't going to be around as much starting this week.  I got some extra rest.  I did some volunteer work.  I attended two Cincinnati Reds baseball games.  I played some weekday golf, which is always a treat.  I fought a respiratory disorder, which is still hanging on a bit.

But I had this break with the knowledge that I'd begin a new career chapter this past Monday, so the time really went by quickly.

In keeping with my past habits, I won't talk about work here, as there are almost always corporate policies that prohibit such online expressions.  But suffice it to say that this position, while somewhat related to my past jobs, is something of a departure for me in terms of the company's business.  The company with whom I'm now associated has been recognized by numerous business and industry publications as being among the fastest-growing in their respective categories.

Luckily for me, I also will not be traveling all that much, except on a more localized level.  After all of the overnight air travel I've done over the past ten years, I don't consider a two hour drive to be "travel" in and of itself!

So this week I, along with six new teammates, have been in initial orientation and training.  We all go to company headquarters next week and the week following Memorial Day for the full corporate training and orientation experience.  That will occur deep in the heart of Texas.

In a nutshell, that's what new on my end.  Hope it's been a good week for you, too.


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